
Establishment of Nyaya Panchayat in Uttar Pradesh and other States in India and its Progress

Thus the government officials became spokesmen of the people and a gulf was created between the rulers and the ruled. Local self-government received its first impetus during the viceroyalty of Lord Mayo in 1870. The Famine Commission of 1880 emphasised the importance of local self-government. Lord Ripon’s resolution of 1882 on local self-government considered it as a means of popular and political education. However, the issue of local self-government in the country was taken up in right earnest in 1907-08 by the Royal Commission on Decentralisation. This commission recommended formation of Village Panchayats so that the local government might be built up from the bottom. The Government of India Act, 1919 made local self-government a transferred subject, which earmarked the growth of these bodies under the patronage of elected ministers. With this, UP enacted the United Provinces Village Panchayat Act, 1920. Other provinceslike Assam, Bengal, Bombay, Central Provinces and Bihar followed suit. In consonance with the policy of the British rulers to revive the panchayats in the country the objective of the UP Village Panchayat Act, 1920 was to revive them in the province. It sought to confer on panchayats civil, criminal and administrative power. The panchayats were also assigned duties in matters of sanitation, education and the like. No doubt, this Act had many shortcomings: it did not give sufficient freedom to the people to establish panchayats in their areas, there was no provision for election of Panches and the functional resources were hopelessly lacking.

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Michael77 comment`s:

Whether in Wikipedia, there are still where I have noticed almost the same information, but anyway thanks


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