
Acne | Treatment | a Natural & Holistic Approach

Acne | Treatment | a Natural & Holistic Approach

Acne | Treatment | a Natural & Holistic ApproachAuthor: Lucy RussellAcne Treatment Kit Acne is due to a hormone imbalance causing the sebaceous glands to produce too much sebum. This blocks the pores and causes a bacterial infection - the bacteria involved are called Probionibacterium acne (P. acne). Factors that can contribute to acne are oily skin, heredity, menstruation and some contraceptives (both increase levels of progesterone in the body), and an overgrowth of candida (a yeast) in the gut that causes hormonal changes. Other possible contributing factors are stress, allergies and certain drugs including steroids.

Nutritional deficiencies and, or a diet high in saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and animal products can also be involved. The pH of the body is also important - an imbalance can influence the growth of acne-causing bacteria (see Cleansing supplements below). Antibiotics and certain oral contraceptives are conventional treatments however neither solves the underlying problem. The acne bacteria are also becoming increasingly resistant to the antibiotics prescribed to treat it. Changes to your diet, and the use of supplements and herbs can help get your body back into balance. These improvements are not immediate but they can be long-term and far more effective.

Using natural skincare products that are specifically designed to help combat problem skin (see below) is obviously very important, however just doing this alone is often not enough.

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