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Rejuvenate Thyroid Function: Protocol of Vital Chi Skin Brushing System and Alternate Hot and Cold Shower - My news blog


Rejuvenate Thyroid Function: Protocol of Vital Chi Skin Brushing System and Alternate Hot and Cold Shower

He is the founder/teacher of both Spiritual PhytoEssencing and theNatural Health Science System which he designed following 25-years of research and clinical practice, and includes herbology, nutrition, homeopathy, aromatherapy, exercise, traditional nature-cure as well as East/West healing arts/bodywork. Dr. Berkowsky teaches in-depth seminars/workshops to health-care professionals. He writes an internationally acclaimed journal: Nature’s Therapies, contributes articles to several national and international health magazines and journals and has been a popular guest on many radio - and TV talk-shows. Contact information: DrBruceB@cnw.com. To subscribe to either or both of his free, on-line journals: Nature’s Therapies and The Journal Of Spiritual PhytoEssencing, or to learn more about his Spiritual PhytoEssencing Diploma and Master’s Courses workshops, tapes, books, and more, log on to: www.NaturalHealthScience.comArticle Source: ArticlesBase.com - Rejuvenate Thyroid Function: Protocol of Vital Chi Skin Brushing System and Alternate Hot and Cold Shower

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