
Creating an Information Factory

This includes the progression and synchronization of work, along with the tools and techniques to be used (5W+H). Establishing the types of people needed to perform the work, along with the required skill sets (and how to evaluate performance). This also includes specifying the types of training required to do the job. Reviewing work products (work sampling) in order to evaluate product quality and production problems, thereby triggering the need for improvement. Constantly looking for new tools and techniques to improve the process. It is generally agreed techniques and tools will come and go, and will evolve over time. As such, the Industrial Engineer is a student of the industry. EFFECT ON CORPORATE CULTURE The mechanics of the "Information Factory" are easy to assimilate and implement. The real problem lies in changing the behavior and attitudes of people, specifically, the corporate culture. The goal of an "Information Factory," as it is with any mass production facility, is to develop a homogeneous development environment (as opposed to a heterogeneous environment where everyone is allowed to develop products as they see fit). To counter the "Tower of Babel" effect found in most development organizations, the "Information Factory" seeks consistency and quality through uniformity and standardization. It is not uncommon for the concept of a factory-like environment to strike fear in the hearts of software developers as they may see it as a threat to their free-spirited individuality. Such an environment need not sacrifice freedom of expression or creativity.

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