
Creating an Information Factory

It is simply a means to channel such creative energies in a uniform manner. The biggest problem though rests in reorienting people to believe they are in the business of building products, not just writing code. Acceptance of the "Information Factory" environment can be achieved if people understand the overall process, where they fit in it, what is expected of them, and how their work affects others. We have found most people prefer organization and discipline as opposed to chaos. Further, they can achieve superior results when standards are imposed; such discipline results in uniform and predictable work products, CONCLUSION It is possible to employ the same concepts and techniques as used in mass production towards the development of information resources. But creating a "factory"-like development environment takes more than simply calling yourself one. It is a significant reorientation effort. Fortunately, it is not without precedent and the concepts have already been introduced to devise an "Information Factory" based on other engineering/manufacturing disciplines. The benefits of an "Information Factory" are no different than any other mass production environment: standardization, improved productivity, reduced costs, better change control, faster employee start-up and more effective use of human resources. However, the impact of implementing such an environment should definitely not be underestimated. It affects people's perceptions regarding development and ultimately affects the corporate culture. In order to move from an art to a science, it is necessary to define and standardize our terminology and concepts for developing information resources.

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