
Creating an Information Factory

Along the assembly line, a series of tools and techniques will be deployed, some implemented by the human being, others through automated assistance, such as robots. Materials Management - the business function concerned with standardizing parts so they may be shared and re-used in various product assemblies. Further, it is concerned with collecting, storing and retrieving parts (inventorying) in the most efficient means possible (e.g., JIT - "Just In Time"). Production Control - oversees the assembly lines and materials management, looking for unanticipated delays or accelerations of production schedules. Consequently, corrective action can be taken as required to resolve problems. These three components establish a "checks and balances" in manufacturing and can also be utilized to develop an "Information Factory" to develop an organization's information resources, whereby are found: Methodologies (Assembly Lines) - defines the work environment (5W), thereby synchronizing the flow of work. Within the phases of the methodology, a variety of tools and techniques may be deployed defining HOW the work is to be performed. Resource Management (Materials Management) - identifies and classifies information resources, thereby promoting the sharing and re-using of resources. It also ensures they are collected, stored and retrieved in a timely manner. Project Management (Production Control) - used to plan, estimate, schedule, report, and control project work. Why an "Information Factory" as opposed to a "Software Factory"? One of the key failures in the Japanese "Software Factories" experiment was its limited scope.

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