
Inner Peace Tip: Independence Within Yourself

As children, we sense the world with our feelings. There's little discernment because we lack experience. Often these are the unfiltered parts of ourselves that pick up what is being said and notice when the words don't match the action.

For instance, have you ever talked to someone who said one thing and yet acted in a completely different way? This is known as being incongruent or dissonant which creates confusion. We may notice and sense this and yet how many times do we disregard it because we question our inner knowing or intuition? This is our inner critic at work. That part of us that questions our knowingness because we may have been told at a very early age that what we felt was not the truth. The inner critic is clever and has learned ways to survive even if it meant that it caused us harm or discord.

Initially the inner critic showed up to serve us. It's positive intention was to protect us, yet in over use it causes harm. The inner critic protects us by making us aware that what we are doing or feeling is not right. So, we are the one's who shutdown that part of us rather than letting someone else do it. If someone is afraid of asking for what they want, they may unconsciously set themselves up to be told no. For instance, someone could ask for a raise and be told that it's not time. Instead of standing up and saying that they deserved a raise, a part of them may agree with what the boss is saying and not feel confident enough to be assertive.

It can do us harm because we may learn to shut out a very important part of ourself.

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Pisac clever dude


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