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Homeschooling the College-Bound Student - My news blog


Homeschooling the College-Bound Student

If your child has some special skills or interests that are not recognized by your state colleges, then you will need to look at those schools and talk to an admissions representative early on to determine what that specific college requires for admission to the school. Most colleges will also require that your child take the SAT or its equivalent for college admission.

However, there are some schools that do not require this form of testing. Prepare your child well in advance for the test, so you he achieve a good score. Visit collegeboard.com to receive information and helpful advice on all testing for college bound students. This site also helps student consider colleges that might be a good match for them and discusses topics like financial aid. Going Beyond the Basics A homeschooled high school student will want to have something that helps them stand out from a crowd of applicants. One of the things that you and your child might want to consider include achieving college credit while still in high school. This is generally done in the junior and senior years of high school through an Open Admissions program at a local junior college or university. You will also want to have your child take honors level high school courses that substantiate accelerated learning and will prepare him to take Advanced Placement (AP) tests. You child may be able to earn college credit based on the AP score. Homeschoolers can register for these tests at various testing sites along with public school students. AP prep books in various subject areas are available at your local bookstore.

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