
Boosting Your Body's Engine For Fat Loss

Boosting Your Body's Engine For Fat Loss

Boosting Your Body's Engine For Fat LossAuthor: Gen WrightEveryone wants to know about how to boost their metabolism so they can enjoy the benefits of this magic bullet for body fat loss. But just what is this mysterious thing called 'metabolism'? And how can we control it and manipulate it to help us burn more body fat? Well, the word metabolism refers to how much fuel (calories) you burn each day. You could think of it as your fat burning machinery or your metabolic motor. It is controlled by many factors, including your age, your hormone levels, your muscle/fat ratio, your activity levels, the food you eat, your stress levels, and your genetics. You can temporarily increase your metabolism with the right type of exercise and you can increase your metabolism long-tem by adding muscle tissue, losing body fat, and eating whole, natural foods.

But if a large number of the metabolic control factors are not right, then your metabolism can slow down. This is what leads to weight gain and this is reflected by the fact that overweight and obesity is at epidemic proportions around the world. Living a Westernized lifestyle is a recipe for a slow metabolism as it includes many poor lifestyle choices such as:Eating too many highly processed and refined foodsNot eating enough protein, eating too many carbohydrates and too much fatEating only 1-2 large meals per day Not including strength training exercise to build and maintain muscle tissueChoosing to perform only long duration, steady-state exercise (like walking, cycling etc)Not getting enough quality sleepNo coping strategies to deal with high levels of stress and busynessSkipping meals thinking that will help with weight lossConsuming too much alcoholBeing overweight on its own does not necessarily mean that you had a slow metabolism.

Boosting Your Body's Engine For Fat Loss

But if you become overweight this can lead to an even slower metabolic rate.

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