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Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready) - My news blog


Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready)

Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready)

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as you leave the article title, author name, body and resource box in tact (means NO changes) with the links made active and you agree to our posted . Use the tools below to copy the article in plain text form, or you can copy it as HTML, ready to copy and paste directly into a web page. HTML Version: Arm Lift Surgery Arm Lift Surgery Author: Erich Shrefler An arm lift is an excellent option for anyone who would like to achieve a more toned upper arm appearance and reduce excess fat and sagging skin in the region. Excess sagging skin often develops due to aging or after large-scale weight loss. Am I a Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery? Ideal candidates for arm lift surgery: Have excess fat or sagging arm skin Have not seen improvements to skin tone of upper arm region through exercise Have lost skin elasticity due to aging Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure If you still maintain good skin elasticity, you should consider liposuction to tone your upper arm region. Arm Lift Procedure Your plastic surgeon will make an incision in your upper arm from your arm pit to your elbow. The incision will be made on the inside of the arm so that the scar will be less visible after your surgery.

Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready)

During the procedure, excess fat and skin will be removed from the region using advanced body sculpting techniques.

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