
Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready)

Your arm skin will then be pulled tight and sutured to provide for a more toned appearance. The entire procedure will last between two and three hours, and you will notice reduced arm circumference and minimized sagging once you are completely healed. Post-Operative Follow-Up Care You will need to rest while you recover, and arm movements will be restricted for a short period of time. Dressings or bandages may be used to cover your incisions, and your surgeon may recommend a compression garment to reduce swelling. Expect to miss one to two weeks of work after surgery.

Arm Lift Surgery (Ezine Ready)

You will be able to walk right away, but you will need to wait at least two weeks before resuming strenuous cardiovascular exercise. It will take approximately three weeks for your arm to heal. At that time, you may go swimming. Article Source: About the Author: If you live in the Naples, Florida area and are interested in getting an arm lift, please contact the Naples plastic surgery office of Dr. Manuel Pea today to schedule your initial consultation. Text Version: Arm Lift Surgery Author: Erich Shrefler An arm lift is an excellent option for anyone who would like to achieve a more toned upper arm appearance and reduce excess fat and sagging skin in the region. Excess sagging skin often develops due to aging or after large-scale weight loss.

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