
8 Tips to Make the Most of Your Web Presence: Online Article Strategies for Attorneys

You can also check to make sure your directories are ranked high enough to ensure true SEO benefits. Timing is everything. Plan to post one article a week in 5 to 7 different directories. Too few and you risk not being effective, too many and Google may tag your byline and blackball your efforts. Keep track of everything. Articles aren’t just for online. Make the most of the time and energy spent writing these pieces by tracking where they go. A simple Google Alert set up in your name will help you see just who picks up your postings. Additionally, print them out, e-mail them to clients who may be interested and use them as part of your marketing materials.About the Author:Drawing on over twenty years' experience in branding and positioning, Paula Black has advised law firms around the globe on everything from powerful and innovative design to marketing strategy and business growth. She is the award-winning author of “The Little Black Book on Law Firm Branding & Positioning,” “The Little Black Book on Law Firm Marketing and Business Development,” and “The Little Black Book: A Lawyer’s Guide To Creating A Marketing Habit in 21 Days,” as well as founder and President of Miami-based Paula Black & Associates. For more information visit http://www.paulablacklegalmarketing.comArticle Source: - 8 Tips to Make the Most of Your Web Presence: Online Article Strategies for Attorneys

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