
Three Tips For Making Standout Friend Requests

Explain why you want to connect. This is probably the most important part of a request. Online, it's common to associate with people you might not necessarily know "in real life." This is all the more reason to let the other person know why you think it's a good idea to connect. A simple message saying you noticed you have several mutual friends, or you admire their work, or that you are interested in finding out more about their industry will suffice. As long as you are shedding some light on your motives, the other person will usually be more than happy to accept. It's just good social etiquette. Follow up after the acceptance. This tip is for bonus points. Don't let your interaction stop after your request has been accepted. Take the time to comment on or send a message regarding your newly formed connection. This can go a long way towards making you stand out from the rest in the other person's mind. They are more likely to remember someone who expressed appreciation for your newfound relationship--instead of simply boosting their number of connections, never to be heard from again. Now that's building "social capital."About the Author:Christine Gallagher, MLS, MSIS, founder of, teaches small business owners and professionals how to conquer the overwhelming aspects of online and social media marketing to increase business and maximize profits. For FREE tips on how to build profitable relationships, leverage technology and create your own successful online business, visit http://CommunicateValue.comArticle Source: - Three Tips For Making Standout Friend Requests

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