
Planning a baby are you both fit enough (Print Ready)

Planning a baby are you both fit enough (Print Ready)

1. Are you mentally fit enough to handle a pregnancy, some parents to be work so hard they rarely find time to be together as a family so putting pressure on the partner to concive can sometimes have the opposite effect. 2.Are you overweight especially obese this is one area that can stop you becoming pregnant, if its too hard for you to loose weight just try to eat healthier you may not concieve but you will feel much better for it and may even go down a clothing size or too to boost your confidence.when you start to eat healthier you may find the pounds drop off a lot slower but at a pace you can keep to. 3.Balanced diet try to eat food types from all areas to give your body a boost in the healthier direction. cut down on the amount of alcohol. 4.The man should wear loss fitting clothes wearing tight boxer shorts stops sperm and its a quality and sperm count that  improves the chances of geting pregnant. 5.Do you take regular excersise,remember its not just being fit enough to concieve you need to think about but pushing a baby out at the end, it takes hard work thats why its called labour. 6.Are your periods regular check with your doctor but if its ok the pill can regulate them so after a few months your body clock is in a regular cycle and can help to concieve i did 3 times and 3 times pregnant. 7.When is the best time, end of the months beginning ? a popular question here is a rough guide which does work approx 10 days after period starts, intercource for these 3 days, sperm only can live for a few days so you need to have sex during the most fertile part of your period.

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When most people think of love poems, they think of serious and soulful expressions of passion. Long sonnets by Shakespeare or romantic poems by Browning and Lord Byron are the norm for love poetry. However, funny love poems can be good for a laugh. They may not be romantic, but they do give your friends something to enjoy. Some of the best funny love poems are limericks. Limericks started in Ireland and follow a standard form of five lines and a rhyme scheme of aabba.


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