
How To Increase Your Sales With Focused Networking

How To Increase Your Sales With Focused Networking

How To Increase Your Sales With Focused NetworkingAuthor: Ely DelaneyIf you're a smaller business, then networking is a huge way that you can market your business and increase your sales without spending a fortune on advertising. Networking can be a great way yo grow any small business and gives your the ability to make connection with not only potential customers but more importantly with potential fusion partners that you can work with to cross promote.Too many people just starting out with networking their business have the wrong idea about how to make it as effective as possible. They come in for the kill and don't make the best use of the time networking with other people in the room.If you want to make the most of any networking opportunity that comes your way, then just follow these simple steps and you'll make it a very effect way to increase your sales.1. Show up with a purpose in mindYou're not really there to socialize. Yes the idea is to be social and build relationships but you need to have a goal in mind of what you really want to accomplish with the event.Do you want to meet 3 new potential clients?Do you want to make one more partner relationship?You need to be able to walk out of the meeting knowing you got something positive out of it.2. It's not just a Good 'ol Boys clubIt doesn't matter what type of event it is, you need to make it your main goal to meet at least one new person.

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