
Five Critical Tips for Your Acne Skin Care

Five Critical Tips for Your Acne Skin Care

Five Critical Tips for Your Acne Skin CareAuthor: Lee MilneControlling Acne Need not be an Uphill Task You will definitely find many tips, some exceptionally good, for controlling acne on the internet. You will observe, though, that the basic thing will always be keeping the skin clean and oil-free.  In order to achieve this, you will need to develop a keen sense of anticipating and eliminating any formation of oil on the face and hair (since the oiliness of the hair spills over and provokes acne formation). Acne Skin Care Tip # 1 Develop the habit of washing your face often with plain water as often as you can, but especially after exercise, work in the house, coming from market, or any such slightly strenuous exercises. The skin will hence remain hydrated, while at the same time stay free of oil and grime that could clog the pores and form acne.Acne Skin Care Tip #2 Shampoo you hair often – if need be do it every day, so you will not risk having the oiliness of the hair spill over your face and thus form acne on the face. It is very important that you understand the correlation between the oil and the formation of acne, and prevent it at all costs.Acne skin care Tip #3 Forget about a skin tan forever if you have an oily face. Recent studies show that sun burn cause not only acne, but also skin cancer.  Hence, if you find yourself too often working outdoors, it would be a great idea to use a good sun-screen.

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