
Your Self-Image is Who You Are

Your Self-Image is Who You Are

Your Self-Image is Who You AreAuthor: Larry AgrestoIf your normal like me, you often make decisions not realizing that they're being generated by your past. We don't choose to do this, we don't intend to do this, it just happens, as if we have no say about who we are and how we live our lives. But you do have a say about who you become and how you live your life.Because we wake up in the morning and we're alive i.e. were breathing, we can see and hear, we believe that we are present. The reality are we truly present? For many of us, the answer is no. If you really took the time to look behind your thoughts, behavior and decisions, we would all find that to not be true.The reason why it's so important to pay attention to what our self-image is all about, is because your self-image is the blueprint for your life. It's the foundation of who you are, who you become and everything you do.So, how does our self-image get developed? Well, it happens over a period of time, dating back to our childhood. Like death and taxes, we all have a past. It's our past experiences that help to shape our self-image. Our past events alone are not what damages our behavior in the present, it's how we've interpreted these events in our past, that becomes detrimental today.We take the data from our interpretation and carry it forward into our present. Then, when a similar event occurs in our present, we revert back to our past data and wha-la, we're living in the past.

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