
The Law of Attraction - Are You an Outlaw?

The Law of Attraction - Are You an Outlaw?

The Law of Attraction - Are You an Outlaw?Author: Willie HortonCopyright (c) 2009 Willie HortonHave you ever wondered why, if the Law of Attraction really works, so many people are miserable? And not just miserable - in this day and age we have stressed, anxious, panicked and fearful people - people who are fearful that they won't have enough money to make ends meet, fearful that they're going to lose their job or their home. This fear is prevalent on a scale of near-pandemic proportions - and, yet, we know that so-called "self-help" books are one of the fastest growing sectors of the publishing market and books, DVDs and websites extolling the virtues of the Law of Attraction are leading the charge. Unfortunately, it appears that people are following something closer to the Law of Distraction!Something strikes me from my work with my many clients over the years - many of whom are avid readers.

The Law of Attraction - Are You an Outlaw?

It strikes me that a vast body of people intellectually understand some of the key concepts behind the Law of Attraction but fail to actually take the necessary action in their daily lives - and, I mean, daily - because in order to change your life, you have to take real action to that affect every single day.A couple of years back, I had coffee with a guy who came straight out and told me that he reckoned he was "an advanced soul" (whatever that means!) and that he lived by the Law of Attraction.

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