
A man's "Commitment Tempo" has NOTHING to do with how long you've been together

A man's

The first thing you should know is... a man's "Commitment Tempo" (when he'll want to take things to the next level with you) . Have you consistently ended up with men who didn't see or bring out the best in you? Then take a deep breath - because you deserve a man who sees you and can love and nurture you the way you would him. But what if you've found yourself with a series of men who have been in some way negative, abusive, critical or controlling, or in some way seriously LACKING the kind of " relationship skills" that are necessary for a fulfilling relationship ? If so, it's possible that your own past, your thoughts and feelings are actually ATTRACTING the wrong men, and that you end up becoming ATTACHED and staying in these kinds of relationships for all the wrong reasons. Your first step, if you're truly ready to put an end to this cycle, is this: Starting saying "No!" and radically reject these kinds of hurtful behaviors from any man. Yes - there are creeps out there. It's your job, and yours only, to say "No!" and remove any man from your life who isn't showing you he's worthy of your love and attention . But when you keep going on with hurtful relationships... and you go through one disastrous relationship after another... the worst starts to happen for you. It starts to try and turn you into someone who acts fearful, protective and defensive around any man you meet.

A man's

Things will only get worse for you if you let the bad relationships from your past get into the driver’s seat when you finally meet a guy you could have a healthy relationship with.

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What Happens to Number Plates in 2010?

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When Money & Friendships don't mix!

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