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Dental Tourism Solutions in India

Dental Tourism Solutions in IndiaAuthor: Ryan FrankIndia is a relatively new player in the field of health tourism, or medical tourism, but already health tourism in India is becoming one of the fastest growing financial sectors. Medical tourism is expected to have an annual growth rate of 30% in India, and experts estimate that India’s medical tourism industry will bring in over $2 billion in annual revenue to the country’s economy by 2012. So what is it exactly that has caused this rapid growth of medical tourism in India? Part of it is the fact that medical tourism has experienced growth in general all over the world.


Do You Feel Lucky?

By: Not a day goes by without me seeing yet another day trading system with claims that it can make me huge gains. I normally for fun ask for the real track record and of course don’t receive one. Fact is day trading systems will lose you money as by their very nature they can’t work here’s why. By: Not a day goes by without me seeing yet another day trading system with claims that it can make me huge gains. I normally for fun ask for the real track record and of course don't receive one.


Johnn Wolfgang von Goethe: Novelist, Poet, and So Much More (Print Ready)

A should be of interest to anyone who has an interest in literature, as he is easily one of the most important literary figures of the last five hundred years, and is in fact lauded by many as being only behind figures like Shakespeare and Chaucer in his overall importance to the literary field.  He was a German writer, and was alive from 1879-1832, and is most famous for his work, Faust.  It is important to note when considering that, although Faust remains his most influential and most important work, he was a prolific writer in many genres, and many of his other works, especially his poetry, are also extremely important parts of the German literary Cannon.