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Leaves to Liven Bridal Pillows

Leaves to Liven Bridal PillowsAuthor: Robin HuberNow that you have started to create your bridal pillows, you will need to add leaves to join, assemble, and finish. To help you finish we have written the following directions. How to create leaves: Chain fourteen stitches into the single crochet at the third chain and away from your hook, single again working it into your chains and through to the previous chain.


A Guide to Night Diving

A Guide to Night DivingAuthor: Ollie DonovanScuba diving is currently one of the most popular aquatic activities. It is a great activity for anyone who wants to be united with nature. It also opens a totally new perspective on how we view ourselves in relation to our surroundings.The opportunity to dive under water is also a very invigorating activity. Since it is a different world, it seems like all of your problems are solved once you get to see the teeming life under the blue faade of the seas.


Pre-Determined Future - The logic in the free will vs' fate or destiny debate

Pre-Determined Future - The logic in the free will vs' fate or destiny debateAuthor: James ColeFate! Is it so or do we, as intelligent life forms have control over our own destiny? Do we have free will? I am not trying to prove either way, only to present the facts and one possible, logical progression of thought. The hypothetical experiments that I put forward are experiments that I believe will never be able to take place, therefore never proving the existence of fate. However, they will never disprove it either.