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Is Baldness Inherited?

By: Male pattern baldness is caused by the effect of the male sex hormone called testosterone. By an action of enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). By: Male pattern baldness is a prevalent problem of most men especially those in their late thirties. In the US alone, millions of men are suffering from it and they are greatly concerned about their physical appearance.


Baby Showers - What To Budget For When Planning Any Baby Shower

By: The idea of purchasing the baby jogging strollers at a discount rate is really advantageous since it allows you to save a bit of your cash. Having your own baby jogging strollers would not only allow you to take your regular exercise, but it also helps you to take your babies out with you. By: The Baby jogging strollers are really suitable for new moms who look to become active and get rid of the post pregnancy pounds. By: If you are planning to celebrate the baby shower party after the birth of your child, then you may have an added option of your baby’s picture.


What are Acne Forums About?

What are Acne Forums About?Author: Dave PoonThere are many forums dealing with acne problems that you can enter on the Internet. But it is wise to be specific in what you are trying to find online before going into a forum. For example, are you checking out the different kinds of treatment available? Would you like to compare symptoms with other patients? Are you trying to find data on the various tests done for acne or the causes and/or risk factors behind the problem? The topics can be endless.