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How To Do Research To Write Articles

How To Do Research To Write ArticlesAuthor: Wharton Business FoundationArticles come in many sizes and levels of complexity. There is no single set of rules that fits every project, but there are guidelines you should follow to keep yourself on track throughout the weeks as you prepare, research and write. You will complete your project in stages, so you must plan ahead and give yourself enough time to complete every stage of your work. Your first step is to write down the due date for your article on a big wall calendar, in your planner, and in an electronic calendar.


Discover your History with Past Life Regression

Bahama shutters, also known as bermuda shutters, have been used in the hot, wet climates of the southeastern United States and tropical regions for a long time. They are especially popular in coastal areas prone to sudden gusty rainstorms and hurricanes because of the extra protection of windows from flying debris. They are easily and quickly dropped when needed. In these days of outsourcing so many of our consumer goods to other countries, it is refreshing to find a company that is manufacturing products in the USA and using American raw materials to do it. Window shutters from Sunbelt Shutters are made right here and use wood from managed forests of California redwood, Southern yellow pine, and Western red cedar.


Direct Mail Catalogs & Brochures: Write Captions That Sell

Direct Mail Catalogs & Brochures: Write Captions That SellAuthor: Alan SharpeMany prospects skim through catalogs and brochures, glancing at the photos and reading the accompanying captions only when a particular image arouses their interest. That's when you have their attention. And so that's when you sell them. My advice for writing captions is to never describe what readers can see for themselves in your photo.