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Awesome Magic Tricks

Awesome Magic TricksAuthor: nikita parkerTo start these awesome magic tricks off, let us take a look at this simple card trick then move onto some tougher but awesome magic tricks. The card trick is called'Balance a playing card on the Back of Your Hand.' The effect's secret is the utilization of a thumb tip which every wizard should own. How this trick is suppose to seem like. The card is to spin off the deck's top and levitate between the hands.


Baby Sleep Tips

Baby Sleep TipsAuthor: Maxine Williams Probably one of the hardest adjustments of having a new baby is the lack of sleep that goes hand in hand with your baby needing regular feeds throughout the night. If your baby is hungry it needs to be fed, but there are a few things that can help your baby settle for longer until it is only hunger that will wake him or her in the night.


Become More Earth Friendly With Green Promotional Items

Become More Earth Friendly With Green Promotional ItemsAuthor: Kris AnnBecome More Earth Friendly With Green Promotional Itemsby Kris AnnPeople are nervous right now about a few major things. One is the economic situation. It is hard planning for the future when you don't know what is going to happen with your job, or the company that you work for. Another high profile item in peoples minds is the environment. People are worried about the future of the planet.