
Get his Passion Back

Going to a place of blame and criticism is not part of your "best" or "higher" self. When you have chosen to create and live your own life, and you have taken the responsibility for loving another... it is YOUR PLACE to remain that "whole person" you are who doesn't NEED and DEMAND what you want from a man . But instead chooses to INSPIRE the kind of love you want to share, and gives love freely when you have chosen to. Living a great love life means loving and appreciating ALL THAT IS. After all, we can't get to a place of true love and of deep connection unless we are open to seeing the WHOLE PICTURE - both good and bad. When you recognize a man as someone wonderful, that is part of living a great love life.

And so is recognizing that a man has shortcomings of HIS OWN, and feeling not anger but COMPASSION for him. Lots of women become hurt and blame or criticize a man for being less than they want him to be. Or they take his shortcomings personally, as though they all mean something about THEM. When a man does hurtful, painful or dishonest things in a relationship with women... a man is saying more about WHO HE IS than the woman he's with. When you choose to live your life with , it's your role to see your relationship for WHAT IT IS. Living your standards is accepting what is and coming to terms with whether or not this man and this relationship is really right for YOU.    Living your standards is not dwelling on WHAT ISN'T, and suffering and falling apart because you wish things were different. I think you're starting to see where I'm going with all of this.

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Slivo4ka comment`s:

In general, competent work


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Oladele Caleb Orimoogunje - Authors Articles -

DATE OF BIRTH: 8TH APRIL, 1961 NO. OF CHILDREN: FIVE CONTACT ADDRESS: DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS, AFRICAN AND ASSIAN STUDIES, FACULTY OF ARTS, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS, AKOKA, NIGERIA 1982 – 1986 Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife,B.A. (Hons) Yoruba, 1986 1988 – 1989 University of Lagos, M.A. Yoruba 1989 1994 – 1995 University of Lagos, Proficiency stage I in French,1995 1997 – 2004 University of Ibadan, Ph.D (i) Graduate Assistant, Linguistics, African and Asian Studies Department, University of Lagos, 1990-1991 academic session.