
Self-Control & Discipline: The Test is to Conquer Ourselves

Are you a leader or pastor of a Church Group or Youth Group? Are you in charge of the Youth Ministry for your congregation? Perhaps you are a Scout Leader or Summer Camp Instructor? No matter what group or organization you are part of, are you looking for a fun, interactive game that the youth can play and enjoy? Below is one of many extremely fun group games that everyone will love. It is called “Bottom Ball” – and as the name suggests, it is not necessarily a ... Do you remember when your mother taught you not to cheat or to lie? I recall many times playing games with my family, siblings, or friends, and me and my brother would secretly try to cheat so that we could win. It usually did not work, we often were caught, and somehow my mother always found out! How do mothers always know? Well, what if there was a game that you actually wantedto – and were allowed – to LIE! This is one of many extremely fun games that ...

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5 Factors to Look for When Choosing the Perfect Target Market

5 Factors to Look for When Choosing the Perfect Target MarketAuthor: Dean MercadoAs a marketing coach and consultant, one of the biggest and costliest mistakes that I see small businesses make time and time again is that they’re neck deep in their business and they still haven’t clearly defined their target market. They continue to try to be everything to everyone -- that’s just not realistic -- and unfortunately, that usually ends in them being nothing to no one.


Your Brand is Your Business: The 4 Common mistakes in law firm branding

Your Brand is Your Business: The 4 Common mistakes in law firm brandingAuthor: Paula BlackWhen it comes to marketing and business development your best efforts are only as strong as your brand. Your brand is what the world recognizes (or will come to recognize) when they think of your firm: its visual identity, its message, its voice. From website to letterhead your brand is the first thing outsiders see and perhaps the most important aspect of marketing for firms to focus on. Once established, however, many firms (or individual lawyers) seem to get tired of it. They want to get creative, choose new colors or fonts, and establish a new message or identity.


How to get tons of targeted traffic on autopilot

How to get tons of targeted traffic on autopilot..Author: JanuszAll without spending an arm and a leg... there's one big problem with article writing, though...Unless you're a total writing maniac, you don't want to spend all your time cranking out onearticle after another all day long...And every article spinning tool I've ever seencauses problems with Google through duplicatecontent... and that's if the articles aren'ttotally unreadable garbage to begin with.