
How to Attract the Ideal Lover

Normally, you would say, "No thanks, I think I will stay at home and get some rest tonight." But for some reason, you will feel like going. And when you arrive, who is the attractive person sitting at a table alone - sheepishly making eye contact with you and grinning? Your subconscious mind will motivate you into a situation like this without your awareness! All you have to do is pray and forget about it. Step 5: Forgive everyone in your past, including yourself. If you focus on negative energy, but wish to create something positive in your life - it will confuse your mind, body and soul about what to create for you. The turmoil inside of you will be a burden. So, choose to let go of the past in order to focus on all of the beautiful, wonderful and positive things in your life. What you think about expands, so be very careful and monitor your thoughts. The human mind is the most powerful tool on this planet, but statistics show the average person only uses about 3% of their brain capacity. Albert Einstein was a genius, but he only used 7%. There are mysteries about the mind which will never be discovered. But the power of the mind is very real. Use this tool to focus on creation, rather than destruction. And always remember, you can create anything you want to in life, as long as you keep yourself centered. The same holds true for attracting the ideal mate. I did this very same thing to attract my mate, and we just celebrated our two year anniversary. If you are a skeptic, try this exercise for three months, and see if it works! I want to hear your success stories! About the Author:Rhiannon Wilkinson created Lover of Love,, to inspire thousands of readers to love, just for the sake of loving.

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