
What is the Truth About Binaural Beats?

It normally takes over 20 years to learn how to enter these deep states. Now though, we can have access to these states easily through brain entrainment. Binaural beats allows anyone to enter deep meditative states within minutes. All you need are stereo headphones and a well chosen brain entrainment track. Binaural beats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. While he was an Associate Professor at the University of Berlin, he discovered that when two similar sounds, which differ only slightly in frequency, are heard separately by the right and left ear a beat type effect is created in the brain. Even though no beat exists the brain interprets the difference between the frequencies of the two sounds and creates the illusion that there is one. These are binaural beats. In 1973 a paper was published titled "Auditory Beats in the Brain" which outlined the findings of Dr. Gerald Oster who investigated the uses of binaural beats. The report showed how Gerald Oster expanded on Dove's discovery. Oster discovered that through the use of binaural beats he could alter a subject's brainwaves to match the beat. On every occasion the listener's brainwaves would begin to resonate to the same frequency as the binaural beats. Oster had discovered that by using these beats he could create precise mental and physical states. Later research has concluded that binaural beats can be used as a method of meditation which brings all the same benefits that traditional meditation does. This means that as well as using them to create relaxation, deep sleep, calmness etc., it can be used as a means for personal, emotional and mental growth.

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