
Types of Car Insurance Policies

The amount of liability coverage you acquire will determine how much your premium will be. The higher the liability coverage, the higher the premium will be. Most experts recommend coverage of 1, 000,000 to ensure that you are fully protected. It is best to have at least $500,000 or $1,000,000 liability. This will make certain that you will be able to cover all damages and expenses that you may be responsible for paying. Comprehensive Coverage: This coverage will cover any damage to your car that is not caused by another driver. Examples include fire, theft, (including car parts) weather damage such as hurricanes, floods, hail, ice storm, vandalism, hitting a object such as a deer, etc. Comprehensive Coverage is optional and is usually purchased for vehicles that are worth more than $1000. Deductibles can range from $250, $500, and $1000. Collision Coverage: This type of coverage covers your car if it is damaged from a collision. For instance, you are covered if you crash into a fence or another car. This policy provides coverage for all damage minus the deductible up to the set maximum limit. It has to be an accident such as a collision caused by slippery roads. Deductibles range from $250, $500, and $1000. You should get this policy if you have an expensive car. In order to ensure you are fully protected in the event of an accident or another car related mishap, you need to understand the details of each car insurance policy. As well, you must comply with state law regarding the type of insurance that they mandate for all drivers.

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