
The Ultimate Secrets to a Flat Stomach and Six Pack Abs

But to be honest, most people that are trying to get better looking abdominals waste WAY too much time training the abs directly. What you really need to focus on is burning off the extra fat that is covering them up. Let's get this straight right now... Abs exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts.

This is the main focus of my Truth about Six Pack Abs Program. Now don't get me wrong. It wouldn't be an abs program if I didn't show you the most effective exercises for developing your abdominals. I also give you detailed instructions and photos on how to do them right. But like I said, the main focus of this program is the secret method that I use to compile the full body training routines and maximize your fat burning effect.

This is the main reason that this program will be much more effective for you than any other abs programs you've ever tried before. You've got my word on that. 2. This program uses none of your typical boring monotonous cardio routines.

The Ultimate Secrets to a Flat Stomach and Six Pack Abs

In fact, you don't have to do any typical cardio if you don't want to! I actually recommend against it. Seriously, almost every program out there tells you that you must do endless cardio exercise regularly to lose the body fat that is covering your abs.

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