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Polishing Different Types of Metal – Make your Rims and Wheels Shine - My news blog


Polishing Different Types of Metal – Make your Rims and Wheels Shine

Look for one that is specific to cleaning chrome and keep in mind that just a bit of polish goes a long way, so use the polish sparingly for best results.

<b>Aluminum</b>: This is one of the easiest metals to polish but it is also one of the most easily tarnished. Polishing aluminum requires that you sand it first to get it as smooth as possible. To polish it, use a soft cloth and aluminum or “mag” polish to wipe it down. You should always apply the polish directly to your cloth and not the aluminum itself, remembering to work it into the cloth well before applying to the aluminum. Rub the polish onto the aluminum until you have the result you‘re looking for. <b>Stainless Steel</b>: This metal doesn’t get quite as shiny as the other types of metal, but is fairly durable and can take on a fairly decent shine.

Polishing Different Types of Metal – Make your Rims and Wheels Shine

Because this is a hard metal, you may find that it is much harder to clean. However, once you get it looking good, you will find it was well worth the effort, since stainless steel can look brand new again when cleaned properly. Again, look for a polish specific to stainless steel and use a new cloth each time you want to shine the stainless steel on your vehicle.If you want an all purpose method of polishing the materials on your car without going through the trouble of choosing a different polisher for different metals, you might just opt for paste wax.

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