
How to Attract the Ideal Lover

Are you all of the things you seek in another person? Here is an analogy to illustrate my point. When a person goes fishing, they generally use a worm for bait. But you wouldn't use worms for a mouse trap, would you? If you wanted to catch a mouse, you would use cheese! The same principle applies for attracting the right mate. First, you have to find the right bait, which means, becoming the "right" person who will attract the "right" mate. If you are looking for someone who is a loving person, give more love to others. If you are looking for someone who has a great body, start an exercise regime. If you are looking for someone who is generous, find a charity to sponsor and so on. Step Four: At least once a day, say a prayer of gratitude for your ideal mate being attracted to you. Know in your heart that everything you are doing is working beautifully, and that everything will fall into place for you and your mate at the right time. While you are at it, tell your ideal mate in your prayers how much you love them, and how you are excited about meeting them soon. But don't judge the process as taking too long. Your future mate may have to go through certain experiences to learn and grow before they are ready to meet you. Your subconscious mind will pick up on the messages you are sending, and assume your ideal mate is already a part of your life. In turn, you will take the appropriate actions (without your conscious awareness) to make your prayers come true! For instance, you may not be a party person - and a friend from work may ask you to go to a party.

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