
Your Direct Mail Sales Letters Must Differentiate You

Your Direct Mail Sales Letters Must Differentiate You

Your Direct Mail Sales Letters Must Differentiate YouAuthor: Alan SharpeFor two winters I heated my house with an old fashioned woodstove. I learned the art of reviving a bed of dying coals each chilly winter morning, adjusting the kindling, firewood and dampers just right so that the stove would heat my turn-of-the- century farmhouse for the longest period possible. I had the choice of four vendors to buy my hardwood from. All were local, all sold at the same price, and all had the same quality of hardwood. But only one supplier, a character called Joe Meiser, advertised same-day delivery at no extra charge.

Joe got my business. Joe got my business because he differentiated himself from his competitors in a way that appealed to me. You need to do the same to remain competitive. You need to decide what makes you different from your competitors, and you need to promote that uniqueness in your sales letters. Just make sure your differentiator is compelling and actually differentiates you. "Quality Service" is not a differentiator. It's a given.

Your Direct Mail Sales Letters Must Differentiate You

So is on-time delivery and the ability to meet budgets. Instead, differentiate your firm based on your competence in your industry or market category.

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Hurray!, Who wrote çà÷åòíî îòæåã.


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