
Resveratrol, Red Wine and Fat Loss - The Shocking Facts About Losing Weight With Resveratrol

Resveratrol, Red Wine and Fat Loss - The Shocking Facts About Losing Weight With Resveratrol

Resveratrol, Red Wine and Fat Loss - The Shocking Facts About Losing Weight With ResveratrolAuthor: Tina BardoIs resveratrol really the fountain of youth? And are all of the weight loss claims really true? Will simply upping my alcohol consumption help me to lose weight? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at resveratrol and weight loss, and take a closer look at the often misunderstood relationship between red wine and this super powerful anti-oxidant as well. Curious to know more? Great ... continue reading as we take a closer look below! Okay ... what is the relationship between resveratrol and red wine? Do the wine makers put it in the bottle? Absolutely not! Resveratrol is actually found pretty abundantly in the skins of grape skins, and some grapes, in different geographical spots around the globe, tend to have higher concentrations of the compound than others. Therefore, while most red wine has some resveratrol in it by definition, the concentration and power tends to vary depending on where the wine originates from.

Resveratrol, Red Wine and Fat Loss - The Shocking Facts About Losing Weight With Resveratrol

Will drinking more red wine help me lose weight? I thought alcohol was high in calories? It is...and depending on who you ask, drinking red wine is not really an effective strategy for weight loss by most accounts.

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