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Involvement and Contribution of a Librarian in an Academic Library - My news blog


Involvement and Contribution of a Librarian in an Academic Library

Involvement and Contribution of a Librarian in an Academic Library

Involvement and Contribution of a Librarian in an Academic LibraryAuthor: arulraj and vijiINTRODUCTION: An academic library is the library associated with a degree-granting institution of higher education. Academic libraries are identified by the post secondary institution of which they are a part and provide all of the following; 1. An organized collection of printed or other materials or a combination thereof; 2. A staff trained to provide and interpret such materials as required to meet the informational, cultural, recreational, or educational needs of clientele; 3. An established schedule in which services of the staff are available to clientele; and 4. The physical facilities necessary to support such a collection, staff and schedule. OBJECTIVES: To know about librarianship To study the present scenario in the Academic libraries.

To examine the contribution of librarian in the development of Academic library. To observe the duty of a librarian To make effective suggestions from above objectives. LIBRARIANSHIP:- Librarianship is a noble profession services of mankind is its motto. It is not a business and those entertain mercenary outlook and habits may not be fit for this emulated profession. The word Ethics is derived from Ethas which means custom or character. Ethics of librarianship, an essential element of library profession, denotes the conduct and behaviors of those who adopt the profession.

Involvement and Contribution of a Librarian in an Academic Library

Present scenario in the Academic library Most of the academic libraries have large collection of documents such as print and non print materials.

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