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How To Compare And Buy Computer Laptops - My news blog


How To Compare And Buy Computer Laptops

How To Compare And Buy Computer Laptops

How To Compare And Buy Computer LaptopsAuthor: Daniel MillionsWhen you walk into a computer or electronics store, most likely you will be attacked by a computer or electronics salesman who is simply trying to make a quick commission buck off of whatever he or she can sell you. Aside from worrying about the computer salesman's commission, though, what one should be thinking about is how the computers compare to each others, the benefits and downfalls of owning each one, as well as what one actually wants in a computer. Know the "Specs" of Each One: Perhaps the most important thing to know about each of the laptops that you look at in the computer store is the specifications of each one, or the "specs" as they are usually called. These usually include the type of processor that the laptop has, the speed of the processor, how much RAM it holds, as well as the size of the hard drive. For those who are not too sure what all of that entails, here is how to decipher it: Type of Processor - This is the brand and type of computer processor that the laptop was built with.

For example, AMD Athlon is a very good brand when it comes to computer processors, especially laptops and notebook computers. Another major processor is Intel, who makes the Pentium processors. If buying an older laptop computer it may come with Pentium-2 or 3, but one should be aware that Penitum-4 is actually one of the better processors they have on the market.

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