
How Can Asbestos Enter My Body?

How Can Asbestos Enter My Body?

How Can Asbestos Enter My Body?Author: Erich ShreflerAsbestos enters our bodies by inhaling airborne particles, or ingesting those that land in food or drink. Some of the asbestos fibers are inhaled and rain out in saliva and are swallowed. Others are inhaled and either work their way through our lung tissue and lodge in the lining that surrounds the lungs. Other particles are trapped in mucous that is naturally flushed out of our lungs and swallowed.

Particles that are swallowed can penetrate our stomachs and lodge in the peritoneal lining around the stomach. Asbestos exposure can cause asbestosis, mesothelioma and more rarely or indirectly, lung cancer, especially in smokers. Once these fibers lodge in body tissue, they tend to stay in place where they cause irritation, inflammation and scarring.

Depending upon where they lodge, they can cause different diseases. Asbestosis is a fibrotic disease of the lungs. Asbestos fibers trapped in the lung tissue cause inflammation that in turn grows scar tissue as the tissue heals. Scar tissue is more fibrous than the tissue it healed over, and is less elastic than lung tissue. Because it hasn’t got the same flexibility, it cannot expand and contract, and restricts the ability of the lungs to inhale as deeply as they should. Not only is asbestos a fibrotic disease is it a chronic restrictive lung disease.

How Can Asbestos Enter My Body?

Mesothelioma is another common disease associated with asbestos exposure.

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