
Football Soccer, Not Just 90 Minutes (Print Ready)

Football Soccer, Not Just 90 Minutes (Print Ready)

For some photographers, photographing an action at a soccer match is something very interesting. The football players’ energetic and dynamic moves, plus their supporters’ magical encouraging cries, tease photographers during the game. Twenty two players are in the game, fighting for their victory on the field. The game lasts at least 90 minutes that is divided into two halves. Thus, photographers need a particular preparation and skill to capture.

Football Soccer, Not Just 90 Minutes (Print Ready)

The first step after knowing what team against what, is to decide where they will take the shots. Though it is a trifle, sometimes it becomes a deciding factor to succeed. They who use 70-200mm zoom lens usually take a position between the corner and goal. While, 300mm is used by those who stand almost at the corner.

Football Soccer, Not Just 90 Minutes (Print Ready)

This trick is necessary due to maximizing pictures –based on each lens’ capability though. 90-Minute Period In a close examination, the series of event that happen in a particular soccer match is almost similar to the others. Started with a small group of people gathering, thousands of supporters and spectators will be then fulfilling the stadium.

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V.I.P_ comment`s:

Forgot where I have noticed this topic, but anyway thanks


S1AYER comment`s:

As usual, webmaster clearly nakropal!


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