
5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1

5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1

5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1Author: John HundleyLaying the groundwork Job hunting can be tough. Whether you just started looking for a job or you've been searching for jobs for months No matter where you are in your job search chances are you've felt like you ran smack dab into a brick wall at least once. These tips are designed not only to help you break through that brick wall but to help you land a job you'll really like.

5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1

Ready? Great! Here we go... Job Tip #1 Get Serious But you ARE serious... right? Of course you are. By "get serious", I'm talking about making a personal decision. Up until now, chances are, you've been looking for "a" job. "A" as in "any job" or maybe "any job you qualify for". Well forget that.From now on burn this idea into your head: you are going to get an incredible job, a great job, an amazing job. From this point on you refuse to settle for anything less than the best the world has to offer you. Got that? Good. NOW you're serious! Job Tip #2 Take Stock Right now is the perfect time to take a good look at your past. Make a list of your dreams, desires and wishes. Go all out. Don't pull any punches. List all your past jobs - big, small, good and bad.

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