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Top 100 Twitter Promotion tips for your Business - A Twitter guide by Position2 - My news blog


Top 100 Twitter Promotion tips for your Business - A Twitter guide by Position2

Top 100 Twitter Promotion tips for your Business - A Twitter guide by Position2

Top 100 Twitter Promotion tips for your Business - A Twitter guide by Position2Author: Maanasi RK100 Twitter Marketing Tips to Promote your Business Author and technologist Nicholas Carr says, “Twitter is the telegraph system of Web 2.0.” The New York Times has mentioned that Twitter is one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet. Only a few brands skimmed off profits from Twitter and others just tweeted about some direct marketing stuff. However, there are numerous ways you can leverage Twitter for your business and improve your bottom line. Here is the one-stop Twitter guide for business. Get started with the Twitter Guide 1. Create a Twitter account 2. Make sure, that you have selected a unique vanity URL for your Twitter account 3. Upload an image and customize your profile image using this tool: http://walterhiggins.net/projects/twixenate.php 4. Include a link to your corporate website 5. Promote your Twitter presence on your corporate website, client emails, etc. SEO juice – Recently, Google started indexing tweets; these tips could help you optimize your Twitter account. 6. Include your brand name as the title of your profile 7. Use the Google keywords tool and shortlist important keywords relevant to your products 8. Include those keywords in your bio 9. Use keywords in the first 30 characters of your tweets in order to be optimized by Google 10.

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Five Critical Tips for Your Acne Skin Care

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Selecting the Right Ink for Your Scrapbook

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