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SmartLipo™ Questions - My news blog


SmartLipo™ Questions

SmartLipo™ Questions

SmartLipo™ QuestionsAuthor: Erich ShreflerHow is SmartLipo different from other liposuction surgeries? SmartLipo™ differs in that it uses a laser to liquefy fat before removing it. No other liposuction procedures use a laser. The laser creates other differences: Very small incisions that need no suturing No need for general anesthetic Less bleeding, bruising, and swelling Typically no drains needed during recovery These differences are all advantageous for you because they make recovery time shorter and easier than it is in other types of liposuction. Is SmartLipo Painful? The surgery itself is not painful because of the local anesthetic. When the anesthetic wears off you might notice an ache as if you had just finished a vigorous workout at the gym. You can treat it effectively with an over-the-counter painkiller, but in any case it lasts for just one or two days. Am I a good candidate for SmartLipo? If you are over age 18, are in good general health, and have successfully lost most of your extra weight with diet and exercise, you could well be a good SmartLipo candidate.

SmartLipo™ Questions

There are some things you would need to NOT be: Pregnant or breastfeeding; Suffering from any skin infection in the planned treatment area(s); Taking any blood-thinning medication.

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Bee Keeping Equipment Make Your Productivity Double

Bee Keeping Equipment Make Your Productivity DoubleAuthor: christoper samuelBee Keeping Equipment you have to have Whether you want to start bee keeping as a pastime or as a business, you have to have the correct bee keeping kit. Bee keeping is an entertaining pastime that will also offer you an additional source of revenue. You can collect the honey for your own use or sell it. You can make candles from beeswax. naturally, you'll need a hive for your bees to live in. The beehive is a wooden frame box that contains multiple parts.


5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1

5 Job Tips - How to Find a GREAT New Job Part 1Author: John HundleyLaying the groundwork Job hunting can be tough. Whether you just started looking for a job or you've been searching for jobs for months No matter where you are in your job search chances are you've felt like you ran smack dab into a brick wall at least once. These tips are designed not only to help you break through that brick wall but to help you land a job you'll really like.


"How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me"

Get it done - easily, painlessly and certainly! And have lots of fun along the way! Slay your competition and become an irresistible magnet for Russian women... because you know exactly what they want and how to give it to them. Stop guessing, and start getting girls! You will have more beautiful women that want to be with you than you can handle! YOU will be the one to take your pick! Yes, YOU - you personally, my visitor - YOU can find and marry a girl like me! Look a the picture on the right - it's me. Do you want a girl like this to be your wife? It is perfectly do-able.