
How a Woman Flirts to Get Your Attention

How a Woman Flirts to Get Your Attention

How a Woman Flirts to Get Your AttentionAuthor: Scott PattersonIt's all about body language, and women often use body language to show men they are interested. Women who flirt are subconsciously trying to tell you they are interested and want to take things to the next level. Men sometimes find, though, that interpreting female flirting signals can be challenging. They may term it more of a mystery, in fact. The problem is that women often send flirting signs than can give off mixed information. For instance, sometimes women who flirt are genuinely attracted to you and want to get to know you. On the contrary, women sometimes are just flirting in a friendly manner and, actually, have no feelings of attraction.

How a Woman Flirts to Get Your Attention

So, the question is how to a guy can depict honest flirting from the friendly (not really interested) flirting. Though women will remain a challenge to understand, there are ways to help you determine if a woman is sending you a true flirting signal. By learning to identify these flirting signals, you will be in a much better position to figure out of she is attracted to you and interested in getting to know you. Remember what I said about body language? Well, here is when it comes into play. Women who flirt will often begin flirting with you before you even begin a conversation with her.

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How a Woman Flirts to Get Your Attention

How a Woman Flirts to Get Your AttentionAuthor: Scott PattersonIt's all about body language, and women often use body language to show men they are interested. Women who flirt are subconsciously trying to tell you they are interested and want to take things to the next level. Men sometimes find, though, that interpreting female flirting signals can be challenging.


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