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Handling Scuba Diving Emergencies - My news blog


Handling Scuba Diving Emergencies

Handling Scuba Diving Emergencies

Handling Scuba Diving EmergenciesAuthor: Ollie DonovanScuba Diving, while fun, has it's share of hazards like any outdoor sport. Knowing how to recognize and deal with potential problems before (or when) they occur can make the difference between life and death when you're under water. Here are a few safety precautions to take, as well as some of the things that can happen that you should look out for.Plan Contingencies for Every Emergency - there's that law good old Murphy made, that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". While a seemingly pessimistic and cynical statement, it actually helps sometimes to take this approach, especially when planning for emergencies. Take enough gear to handle all the potential problems that you'll encounter, and have back up means of getting external help on hand in case something arises that you weren't prepared for.Decompression Injuries: DCS - know how to recognize the symptoms of these two maladies. They will require treatment in an emergency decompression chamber. They are: Decompression sickness, or DCS, and Cerebral arterial gas embolism, or CAGE. DCS occurs because the body forms air pockets in it when utilizing compressed air, as well as becuase it is subject to increased external pressure from the water. DCS occurs because the nitrogen in a person's air supply, unlike oxygen, is NOT used up and absorbed by the body, and the increased levels of nitrogen, unless controlled by a device on the breathing apparatus called a regulator, collects air pockets in the body.

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